Our Story 

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Cras nisl quam, placerat hendrerit nisl id, posuere aliquam orci. Phasellus iaculis, sem in scelerisque condimentum, tellus orci dignissim velit, nec pharetra leo ante ut odio. Vivamus eget dolor a mi pretium volutpat. Etiam eleifend, risus in posuere dignissim, dui urna commodo quam, sodales viverra mi velit nec ante. Suspendisse ut dignissim augue. Suspendisse dolor dui, convallis id convallis sed, pulvinar quis diam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis eget eros quis lacus lobortis imperdiet sed sit amet erat.

Meet Our Chapter President 

Email: kelsie@inspired2uplift.com


Hey there! My name is Kelsie and I have the honor to be the Inspired 2 Uplift chapter president of Fruita Monument High School in Colorado, USA.

Outside of school, I can be found on the marching band blacktop, in the theatre tech loft, or at various kinds of orchestra rehearsals. Extracurriculars and schoolwork take up the vast majority of my time, but with the limited free time I do have, I enjoy spending it by creating art and volunteering with the children’s ministry on Sundays. I love helping people, and one of my favorite things that I’ve gotten to experience this year was working at a daycare over the summer with a bunch of lovely kids. 

One thing that significantly impacts my journey with Inspired 2 Uplift and disability inclusion is that I’m on the Autism Spectrum. I want to create a world where all kids are able to find a friend—regardless if they fit the social norm or not. The I2U Buddy Program is perfect for this! Friendships is something that everybody deserves to experience, and I’m so thankful that I’m able to bring this mission to Fruita Monument High School. I’ve gotten to meet so many wonderful and devoted people through Inspired 2 Uplift, and it’s my hope that others in my community will be able to as well. 

I’m looking forward to this upcoming year with Inspired 2 Uplift, and I’m incredibly thankful for all of the support and dedication I’ve found in my team as we try to make a difference. 

We are better together!

Meet Our Other Chapters!

Did you know that Inspired 2 Uplift is making waves in various communities across the globe? We're not just one chapter; we're a growing network of passionate young advocates, each dedicated to uplifting and supporting youth with disabilities. From bustling city centers to serene suburbs, our chapters, including MacNeill in Richmond, Canada and Eric Hamber in Vancouver, Canada, are scattered far and wide. With more chapters on the horizon, together, we're building a global movement dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those with disabilities. Come meet our chapters and stay tuned for even more of our incredible chapters and discover how they're shaping their communities for the better!